5 Reasons To Travel To Oceania Right Now

  Oceania is a huge continent. It’s made up of Australia, New Zealand, and the other many islands in the Pacific Ocean. There’s no wonder many people choose to go backpacking around the countries on this continent. Thanks to its numerous tropical and exotic locations, there are many amazing places to explore, and lots of new cultures to discover. Here are five exciting reasons to jump on a plane to Oceania ...

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Instagram travel photography competition Myanmar cover

Wanderlust Instagrammy Awards: Myanmar in 30 Amazing Pictures

  As a child of the Facebook generation who only let Twitter into her life reluctantly, I resisted Instagram for a long time...and immediately got hooked as soon as I gave in to the photo-sharing app! The travel pictures I see on it every day are like porn to my wanderlust and a constant source of inspiration, so I've decided to share the best of them with you!With each installment, the ...

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