Looking for the best places to visit in December in Europe?It is that time of year again when you start to notice the first Christmas menus being displayed in pubs and restaurants (and you may have even spotted the odd bit of tinsel out of the corner of your eye?!). Rather than getting depressed that Christmas is not too far away, it is the perfect opportunity to start planning a ...
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(Book)mark! A round-up of the world’s most unusual bookshops
A few days ago, I wrote about two of my favourite bookshops: Atlantis Books on the island of Santorini, and Shakespeare and Company in Paris. This has since inspired me to do a bit more research into the worldwide 'indie bookshop scene' and I thought I would share some of the coolest links I came across:This slideshow features Flavorwire's pick of the 20 most beautiful bookstores in the world, most ...
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